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Now you can submit your own desi Indian sex videos to DesiSex.site. Share your sex videos with the world by sending us the URL of your uploaded videos on StreamTape.to or Vidoza.net with the subject, “Video Submission” and a 2-3 sentences long video description to our email▶️
Also, do let us know if you want to include any name credits. Approved videos will go live within 7 days of submission and should not be reported or resubmitted.
Important points:
- Only full, uncensored videos with faces shown will be accepted.
- Video format should be Mp4.
- Preferred size of less than 250Mb and a duration of over 30 seconds.
- Indian genre content only.
- No underage porn (characters must be 18+ years old) or violent porn, rape or forced sex or bestiality videos will be tolerated.
- No revenge porn video allowed.
- Make sure you have the rights to the video.
- Avoid watermarked videos.